Art images are not to scale and are representations only. Color, size, proportions and style will vary. For examples of our colors, Review our Tipi Artwork Page. For examples of our art, Review our Gallery
Tipi Color Palette
Tipi Background Color
Top Design
Top Band Designs
You’ve selected a Faded Smoke Top vs. a Solid Top. Our tipi builder cannot show a Top Band or Picto Bird in the Faded Smoke Top, so there will not be a menu option to add one. If you would like to add a Top Band, such as the Moon Phases or Picto Eagle/Hawk, to your Faded Smoke Top, please write those instructions in the Questions/Comments field.
Upper Top Band Design
You've selected a large band design. These designs are wider and take both upper and lower band positions.
Lower Top Band Design
Tipi Pinning
Middle Area Designs
Bottom Skirt Designs
Liner Designs
This Tipi Builder doesn’t currently support selecting artwork for your liner or your door. Please add a Comment on the right if you would like artwork for those items and we can add it during the order confirmation process
To view and calculate the Liner Designs, please review our Liner Design Help.